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Know Your Career Worth and Secure Fair Compensation career advancement compensation and benefits finding a job Oct 15, 2023

It doesn’t matter where you are in your career path, securing fair compensation is always paramount when interviewing for a new position.


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FACTS: Company Culture Affects You Directly career happiness company culture work life balance Oct 08, 2023

Company culture is a big buzzword in the professional realm. And all companies seem to boast that theirs is elite, right?

I mean, just look at most...

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10 Professional Development Tips for Employees career advancement Oct 01, 2023

When you think of professional development, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

Maybe you picture a conference, somewhere that...

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The No BS Job Search Plan โ€“ Finding a Job that Works for You finding a job Sep 24, 2023

Finding a job can be a nightmare, amirite? Endless job postings, discouraging compensation vs. experience ratios, and countless emails sent into...

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No BS Guide on Compensation and Benefits Packages compensation and benefits Sep 17, 2023

Whether we’re looking at a new job or pursuing a promotion, compensation and benefits packages are a huge priority for pretty much every...

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Work-Life Balance: Mythical Concept or Just Misunderstood? career happiness work life balance Sep 05, 2023

Ah work-life balance. The mythical unicorn that just couldn’t be possible, especially when working to advance your career, right?


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Career Advancement is NOT One Size Fits All career advancement career coaching career happiness Aug 26, 2023

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And in terms of career advancement, this couldn’t be more...

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Deeper Dive - How to Work with Agency Recruiters finding a job job search strategies recruiters Jul 02, 2023

Ever had something like this show up in your inbox?

“I’ve got the perfect role for you! Competitive pay, amazing culture! Please send...

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Demystifying Career Coaching and Recruiting Roles career coaching career happiness job search strategies recruiters resumes Jun 25, 2023

Job searches are hard, amirite?

And figuring out who is the right person to help you in your job search is also hard AF.

Throughout my career,...

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How to Find the Right Job for You career happiness finding a job Jun 13, 2023

Is it time for you to make a job transition? Knowing how to find the right career for you is less complicated than you think. Unfortunately, the...

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Master the Top 5 Hard Interview Questions and Get the Job finding a job interviewing job search strategies May 20, 2023

So it's time for your job interview. 

Are you ready to ace those notoriously hard interview questions?

You'll find them in almost every...

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Why I do this Career Coaching thing career happiness Mar 16, 2023

I became a career coach because I was tired of seeing people waste their lives on things that suck

Like many life changes, there’s a story...

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